Saturday, July 18, 2009

Planning for CIA in Semester 2 2009

I have not added to this journal for some years but events over the last semester or so have encouraged me to refocus on formal reflective practise.  These reasons include:
  • The journey through the TATAL program and the development of a teaching philosophy statement and a teaching portfolio
  • The formal training I have received in reflective practice through the distributed leadership project
  • The need to show evidence for the performance development review
I am making some significant changes to CIA this semester.  The motivation for these changes include:
  • Ideas I have acquired about teaching through the TATAL program
  • Ideas I have acquired through attending sessions conducted by A/Prof Helen Carter and A/Prof Mark Freeman
  • Results from the CEQ surveys showing some continuing weaknesses in student satisfaction and generic skills
  • Some problems with engagement with students which occurred in Semester 1 in CIA that may have contributed to the higher than expected failure rate
  • Some positive results from engagement exercises conducted in Semester 1 in Professional Accounting
I will detail the individual changes in separate entries.

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